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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Chapter 4 Megaloplis


The term Megalopolis is derived from Greek and means "very large city." A group of Ancient Greeks actually planned to construct a huge city on the Peloponnese Peninsula. Their plan didn't work out but the small city of Megalopolis was constructed and exists to this day. 

Los Angeles is definitely on par with the Megalopolis on the east coast that connects Boston and Washington D.C. into one giant city. Los Angeles county on its own covers more than 4000 square miles and has a population of nearly 10 million. When counting all of Southern California's counties the population exceeds  20 million, which is just over 60 percent of the states total population.                                                                                    

If not for Camp Pendleton located between Orange and San Diego counties the urban environment radiating off of Los Angeles would connect into one mega-city stretching from the eastern cities of Ventura through Los Angeles, Orange, San Diego counties, and it would end somewhere down below Tijauna in Mexico.  

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